Seedy Sunday is on hiatus right now - let's call it maternity leave. But in order to keep in contact, a web-based discussion group has been started and we'd love for you to join in the conversation.
The discussion is powered by Google Groups and you will need to head over there to sign up. You can either use the web-interface to see what is happening or receive emails. You can change your settings to receive emails as they are posted or get periodic digests.
So come and join in the conversation, ask questions, introduce yourself or see if anyone has those herb cuttings or vege seeds you're after.
Click here to check out the Seedy Sunday Kapiti Google Group.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Home Garden Workshops with Peter Proctor and Rachel Pomeroy
Biodynamic gurus Peter Proctor and Rachel Pomeroy are set to deliver a series of Home Garden workshops this week in Kapiti. For more details please click the images below.

Watch the trailer for One Man, One Cow, One Planet
This film looks at biodynamic agriculture, a Rudolph Steiner-inspired system of organic farming. The film focuses on proponent Peter Proctor, a worm-obsessed Kiwi gardener; and his work promoting biodynamics worldwide, particularly in India, where he argues that modern industrial agriculture (eg. artificial chemicals, GM seeds) has made soil and plants toxic, and farming unsustainable. Proctor's simple recipe to save the planet? One man and a bucket of cow dung.
Monday, 15 August 2011
The Future Begins At Home
A talk and slideshow by world renowned architect and sustainable living expert Brenda Vale
Sunday 21 August at 2pm
St Peter's Hall, Beach Road, Paekakariki
Entry by koha
Living in NZ as we do would take at least two planet Earths in terms of the resources we use. This talk shows what we need to do to reduce our personal environmental impact much closer to one planet living -and it's not as hard as it might first seem!
Brenda and her husband Robert are the authors of the seminal 1975 book, 'The Autonomous House'. The book has been translated into five languages and is widely recognized as an essential text in the field of green building. The Vales both currently hold Professorships at Victoria University of Wellington.
Brenda is a fascinating and delightfully entertaining speaker well worth a listen. Her talk includes many slides of her work and real living examples of inspiring 'autonomous' houses.
For more info phone Flo 904 2622 or email:
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