Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Seedy Sunday Kapiti July 21, 2pm


July meeting
It may be pretty in full flower but Cathedral Bells Cobaea scandens is one of the worst weeds in Kapiti. We'll have someone from the Greater Wellington Regional Council's National Pest Plant Programme along to talk about the plants smothering our backyards and native areas. Bring along your weeds to identify.

Bring something to swap
The swap table will be open - bring along your seeds, plants or produce to swap with others (No weeds allowed!)

Te Newhanga Kapiti Community Centre -- Ngahina St, Paraparaumu

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Seedy Sunday Ōtaki, Sunday 14 April, 2pm - 4pm

Anna Butterfield, who organises Paraparaumu Seedy Sundays, will demonstrate methods of collecting,
cleaning and storing seeds. Bring seeds and plants to swap.

A Transition Town Otaki event.

47 Te Manuao Rd.
Contact Claudia, 06 364-3410, or Belinda 06 364 5573.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Seedy Sunday March 24, 2.30pm

Seedy Sunday comes to the Show! This regular gathering of gardeners is a chance to meet like-minded people, hear speakers and swap local produce/cuttings/seeds. Bring your swap items to the Green Garden during the day and be back at 2.30pm to select goodies from the exchange table and hear Anna Butterfield, Seedy Sunday organiser, talk about seed raising.

Hugelkultur, worm farms, Maori vegetables, bees, sourdough, herbs, farmhouse kitchens, wild food walks and learning to knit... there's a huge range of workshops you can take part in. Check out the programme at

See you at the Show!